Monday, October 18, 2010


hap·py (adj. hap·pi·er, hap·pi·est)
1. Characterized by good luck; fortunate.
2. Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy.
3. Being especially well-adapted; felicitous: a happy turn of phrase.
4. Cheerful; willing: happy to help.
5. a. Characterized by a spontaneous or obsessive inclination to use something. Often used in combination: trigger-happy.
b. Enthusiastic about or involved with to a disproportionate degree. Often used in combination: money-happy; clothes-happy.
So happiness. I have been thinking a lot about this lately. Not specifically about my personal happiness, just in general. I think that I used to be the kind of person who was critical about other's happiness. How rude right? Who am I to say or think that someone is "wrong" because their modes of happiness.
     If having purple and blue and orange hair makes someone happy, who am I to think that is "weird"? If someone wants to have weird piercings all over their face or body, who am I to think that is "unattractive"? If someone wants to date someone that is not their "type", a lot older or younger, whatever, who am I to think that is "wrong"?
     Happiness is hard to come across these days. Being happy isn't easy for a lot of people. Depression is on the rise. The sad thing about this disease is you do not know who it is affecting. It is easy to conceal, for the most part. (***this is not me confessing I have depression; these are just my thoughts***) Someone who you would think by appearance has the best life ever, yet at the end of the day they may be so unhappy and be lacking self esteem.
     This makes me sad. Life is seriously too short to be anything but happy. Do what makes YOU happy. Do it now. (I don't mean this in a causing others harm way or anything lol)
     I have come to realize that you will hurt people. You will let others down. This is all part of life. Sometimes people enjoy seeing you fail and enjoy seeing you unhappy. How rude and selfish! Being kind and loving is so easy, people!
     I want to be the kind of person that thrives on other people's happiness. I don't mean by going around trying to please everyone, because I think general speaking, I am not a "people pleaser". I don't really care what people think about me.
     Anyways, who doesn't love being happy? Shoot, I know I do. Whatever your form of happiness is, own it. Do everything in your power to achieve it and feel it.
     I kind of talk in circles sometimes, but I hope this makes sense. What I'm trying to get at is just enjoy life. Let others be happy; no one should feel wrong for their happiness. To each their own. Be kind.!/selfworthproject

Everyone should check out the site above. My friend Tommy Corey started this project, it's beautiful and inspiring.

love you all<3

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