First: I am living in Dublin, Ireland. I have been here for almost 2 weeks, it has been quite the change! As most know, I am a nanny, and the family that I work for decided to come here for 2 months to work, and I was fortunate enough to get to tag along:)
This is the family I work for, I love them:) We get along great, and the kids are super cute. Couldn't ask for a better family.
This is me on the beach in Bray, Ireland. It is south of Dublin. The water is actually the Irish was so beauutiful there and the town was super cute. Not as fast paced and busy as Dublin.
Just some random shots of different parts of the city. I love all the ornate architecture, the connecting buildings, and just how different all the buildings look
*The weather here is so unpredictable. Keep in mind that Ireland is an island, so it gets different currents coming from the different bodies of water that surrounds it. Anyways, it is never really too cold, I wear sweaters and jeans when I go out and am fine. It tends to be a bit windy. The clouds here are like none I have seen before. It has rained everyday that I have been here, but it will be sunny for about an hour, then you literally can watch thunderheads coming in from every direction, it will rain for about 20 minutes, then clear up again. Repeat 5 times a day. Luckily the rain isn't a hard rain, for the most part it is just a drizzle. The clouds are so beautiful and they move sooo fast. It keeps everything green here. Everyone either has an umbrella or some sort of rain pancho/hood with them at all times because even if there isn't a cloud in sight, that can change in 10 mintues. It's wild.
**Dislikes: The different currency(1 euro is about $1.30 or so, so we lose money). Smoking everywhere. Crazy drivers! They drive on the opposite side of the road, and all the streets here are not marked well at all, luckily we don't have a car here so we rely on public transportation(which is big here). They don't really have big grocery stores here, they grocery shop multiple times a week. Sooo, we have a mini fridge in the place we are staying lol. I don't really dislike that, it's just semi hard to adjust to a different lifestyle(no dryer, dishwasher, or freezer either). And also, when you need a necessity(toothpaste, makeup, shampoo, etc...they don't sell those at the grocery stores like ours do. You go to a "pharmacy" and can but them there. Although the selection is verrry limited, and I did just spend about $6 on a tube of toothpaste. Rip off!
I have never been to a foreign country(other that Mexico lol, but that doesn't even count), so it is such an experience for people to be asking ME where I am from. Our cultures are very different, but luckily this is an English speaking country for the most part, so it hasn't been bad trying to get directions or help when needed. I am here until the end of October, I will try and be better about blogging what I am doing!

Last: As most know, I am finally starting nursing school in January(two and a half years later!!!)!!! I am so excited/ready/nervous. It will be interesting to go back to school and get back into the swing of things, since I haven't been in school in SO long! I've started getting shots, doing paperwork, etc, and when I get back from Ireland it is going to be crunch time with more shots, physicals, background checks, orientations, etc, so many things! I hope and pray that I get everything done in time and it comes together smoothly. I can not wait to get my life on the road again!!
Love you all, hugs from Dublin! --Robyn
such a good blog! loved it. i feel so caught up in the life of Robyn! you are such a lucky girl! wishin i was you right now!
ReplyDeleteMY TOES HURT.
ReplyDeleteJulie, is it your left foot set of toes or right. i ask cause your right foot is huge so cutting of those toes wouldn't be a big deal. Jordan, do you wish you were robyn so you could skype with me everyday.... come on now, just admit it, i know it's not cause she's in ireland....... jk. Robyn, i feel like i should be wearing a helmet in that photo of me cause it looks like i have D.S. slightly.... anyways. You said nice words about me so here are some nice words for you. I love the smell of your musk. You sweat less than julie told me you would. Your dad says your the favorite child but every time i come over, max get's more attention then you. Your toes are sexy, but not like julies.... hers are just "different". You have thee most beautiful smile. Thumbs, Also, you make me happier then anyone, you make my life. Ireland is gonna be off the heezie my neezie. I love you.
ReplyDeletei really wish my user name from 7th grade wasn't the one i had to use to post a comment. but whatevs... troy